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Designing an Equitable & Sustainable
Future of Transportation
in Hong Kong

2024 Imperial Hackathon Challenge

Hackathon Challenge Context: 

As a thriving metropolis, Hong Kong faces increasing transportation challenges amidst rapid urbanisation and global climate change. To ensure a sustainable future, the city must address issues such as:


  • Environmental Impact: Reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation modes.


  • Equity and Inclusion: Ensuring accessible and affordable transportation for all citizens, regardless of socioeconomic status or ability.


  • Efficiency and Innovation: Enhancing the efficiency of existing transportation systems and exploring new technologies like electric vehicles, shared mobility, and autonomous vehicles.


Develop innovative solutions that address these challenges holistically, considering scientific approaches, technological advancements, business models, and societal factors. Your solution should contribute to a more sustainable, equitable, and efficient transportation system for Hong Kong.

Develop innovative solutions for transportation systems that prioritise the following:

  • Sustainability: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean energy technologies or artificial intelligence. How does your solution reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy?

  • Equity: Ensuring equitable access to transportation for all communities in Hong Kong. How does your solution improve accessibility and affordability for all citizens? 


  • Efficiency: Optimising transportation systems that leverage clean energy technologies or artificial intelligence for maximum efficiency and resource utilisation. What new technologies or approaches are you proposing?


Whatever solution is proposed, it is important to approach the problem holistically with a mindset of making things better, rather than making better things. We invite you to participate in our hackathon and share your innovative ideas for shaping a better future for Hong Kong's transportation system.


Selected t​eams will present a prototype or conceptual idea (or model) of the solution, demonstrating how AI and clean energy are integrated into the future of transport or aviation. All selected teams should also include a digital strategy for implementation and management.  

2024 Challenge


Technology Class


Register Your Team

Form a team of up to four members and complete the Registration Form. Whether you’re an individual student or representing a school, registration is free for those in the Hong Kong school communities.



Showcase Your Innovation

Create and submit a 3 to 5-minute video proposal with a 200-300 word explanation of your innovative solution by 23rd September. 



Present Your Project

Your innovative project will be showcased at the Hong Kong Science Park on 13th October, witnessed by Imperial Academics and Delegation, industry experts, Imperial Alumni, other Hong Kong schools, parents, and more.

Science Class


Compete for Victory

Winners, selected by expert judges, will have the opportunity to showcase their projects at the UK school’s Hackathon next summer at Imperial College London.

Science Lab


Enjoy The Rewards

Winning teams will receive certificates and cash awards, offering tangible recognition for your achievements and paving the way for future innovations.

Machinery in a Physics Lab


Expand Your Horizon

Your project will gain exposure, potentially boosting your university applications to Imperial, attracting potential investor interest, and opening possible opportunities for crowdfunding.

*Hover over each activity to learn more.



Electric Vehicles

Explore advancements in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and autonomous driving for EVs, considering factors such as accessibility and affordability.



Energy Farm

Alternative Fuels

Investigate the potential of hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels, or other sustainable energy sources for transportation, focusing on their environmental impact and economic viability. 

Image by Dmitry Dreyer

Public Transport

Design smart and inclusive public transportation systems that integrate AI for optimisation and reduce reliance on personal vehicles. Consider accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities.

Pink Car

Urban Mobility

Consider the role of urban design and infrastructure in promoting sustainable transportation. Develop smart solutions for last-mile delivery, ride-sharing, and alternative mobility options suitable for a growing and inclusive population in Hong Kong, ensuring equitable access for all communities.

Image by Cam Ferland


Explore the feasibility of sustainable aircraft and the role of AI in optimising flight routes and reducing emissions while considering the environmental and social impacts of aviation. 




The originality and creativity of the proposed solution.


The practicality and viability of the solution.


The clarity and effectiveness of the team's presentation.


The environmental impact and potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


The potential positive impact on society, economy, and the environment.


The formation of teams with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to foster innovative solutions.​


The consideration of diverse needs and the potential to address social inequalities.


The proposed business model for commercialising the solution.




Champion •Tech Gadget: An Apple iPad Mini for each winning team member. •First Place Trophy: Be awarded the prestigious Imperial Hackathon Champion trophy. •Letter of Recommendation: Receive a letter of recommendation from an Imperial College London faculty member and an Imperial Hackathon judge. •Certification: Earn a first-place certification for each winning team member. •Imperial Open Day Invitation: Receive a personal invitation to attend Imperial's on-campus Open Day in June (please note that travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by the invitation).

Number One

2nd Place •HKD$1000 Amazon Voucher: Receive a $1000 HKD Amazon voucher per team member. •Second Place Trophy: Be awarded the 2nd place trophy. •Letter of Recommendation: Receive a letter of recommendation from an Imperial College London faculty member. •Certification: Earn a first runner-up certification.

Hiking Friends

3rd Place •Letter of Recommendation: Receive a letter of recommendation from an Imperial College London faculty member. •Certification: Earn a second runner-up certification.

© 2024 Imperial Hackathon - Hong Kong

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